Prenups and digital assets

Who gets custody of your joint Facebook memories? What about that stash of Bitcoin you’ve been HODLing for years? These are the questions you don’t want to be scrambling to answer post-breakup.


Ah, love is in the air! You’ve found the one, and wedding bells are ringing louder than your alarm clock on Monday mornings. But amidst the blissful chaos of planning your big day, there’s one topic that might not seem as romantic but is oh-so-important: prenuptial agreements. And in today’s digital age, it’s not just about who gets the silverware or the family dog; it’s about safeguarding your digital assets too!

So, what exactly are digital assets? Well, put simply, they’re your online treasures. From those nostalgic photos of your first date to the top-secret manuscript of your debut novel, digital assets encompass a wide range of stuff you’ve stored in the cloud or on your devices. And let’s not forget about the big players like cryptocurrencies and NFTs, domain names, and even your meticulously curated Spotify playlists. The acquisition of digital assets is becoming increasingly common: one NBC News poll found that 1 in 5 Americans have invested in, traded or used cryptocurrency.

Now, why should you care about protecting these virtual goodies? Imagine this: you and your sweetheart decide to part ways (knock on wood). Without a prenup in place, dividing up your digital assets could turn into a digital nightmare. Who gets custody of your joint Facebook memories? What about that stash of Bitcoin you’ve been HODLing for years? These are the questions you don’t want to be scrambling to answer post-breakup. In an article by CNBC, family law attorneys from Florida, New York, Texas, and California note that “The world of financial infidelity has become increasingly sophisticated, as investors ‘hop’ coins across blockchains and sink their cash into metaverse properties.” 

Enter First, your go-to destination for digital prenuptial agreements, especially tailored for lovebirds in the Golden State. With our user-friendly platform, you can breeze through the process of outlining exactly how you want your digital assets to be divided in the event of a split. No legal jargon, no confusing paperwork—just straightforward protection for your virtual fortune.

But before you dive headfirst into the world of digital prenups, here are a few things to consider:

  • Take Inventory: Before drafting your prenup, take inventory of all your digital assets. This includes everything from your Instagram account to your stash of cryptocurrencies. Knowing what you have will make it easier to decide how you want it divided.
  • Be Specific: Don’t leave anything up to interpretation. Clearly outline in your prenup who gets what, whether it’s access to your domain name or ownership of your Etsy store.
  • Update Regularly: Life moves fast, and so do your digital assets. Make sure to revisit and update your prenup periodically, especially if you acquire new assets or change a partner’s involvement.
  • Consult a Pro: While First makes the process easy-peasy, it’s always a good idea to consult with a legal expert to ensure your prenup covers all the bases and complies with California law.

Remember, a prenup isn’t about planning for the worst; it’s about protecting what matters most to you and your partner. So, whether you’re tying the knot or just testing the waters, don’t let your digital assets become a casualty of love gone sour.

Ready to safeguard your virtual fortune? Head over to First and start drafting your digital prenup today. Because when it comes to love and digital assets, it’s better to be safe than sorry!


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